2.2-2827 - Restrictions on state employee access to information infrastructure.
§ 2.2-2827. Restrictions on state employee access to informationinfrastructure.
A. For the purpose of this section:
"Agency" means any agency, authority, board, department, division,commission, institution, public institution of higher education, bureau, orlike governmental entity of the Commonwealth, except the Department of StatePolice.
"Information infrastructure" means telecommunications, cable, and computernetworks and includes the Internet, the World Wide Web, Usenet, bulletinboard systems, on-line systems, and telephone networks.
"Sexually explicit content" means (i) any description of or (ii) anypicture, photograph, drawing, motion picture film, digital image or similarvisual representation depicting sexual bestiality, a lewd exhibition ofnudity, as nudity is defined in § 18.2-390, sexual excitement, sexual conductor sadomasochistic abuse, as also defined in § 18.2-390, coprophilia,urophilia, or fetishism.
B. Except to the extent required in conjunction with a bona fide,agency-approved research project or other agency-approved undertaking, noagency employee shall utilize agency-owned or agency-leased computerequipment to access, download, print or store any information infrastructurefiles or services having sexually explicit content. Agency approvals shall begiven in writing by agency heads, and any such approvals shall be availableto the public under the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act(§ 2.2-3700).
C. All agencies shall immediately furnish their current employees copies ofthis section's provisions, and shall furnish all new employees copies of thissection concurrent with authorizing them to use agency computers.
(1996, c. 382, §§ 2.1-804, 2.1-805, 2.1-806; 1999, c. 384; 2001, c. 844.)