2.2-2685 - (Expires July 1, 2013) Membership; terms; quorum; meetings; compensation and expenses.
§ 2.2-2685. (Expires July 1, 2013) Membership; terms; quorum; meetings;compensation and expenses.
A. The Council shall be composed of 19 members that include eight legislativemembers and 11 nonlegislative members as follows:
1. The Governor;
2. The Lieutenant Governor;
3. The Speaker of the House;
4. The majority and minority leaders of the House of Delegates;
5. The Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations;
6. The President Pro Tempore of the Senate;
7. The majority and minority leaders of the Senate;
8. The Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee;
9. One nonlegislative citizen member appointed by the Speaker of the House;
10. One nonlegislative citizen member appointed by the Senate Committee onRules;
11. Two Cabinet Secretaries appointed by the Governor; and
12. Five nonlegislative citizen members appointed by the Governor.
B. Legislative members and the two Cabinet Secretaries appointed by theGovernor shall serve terms coincident with their terms of office. In theevent that a legislative member holds more than one of the positions listedin subsection A, such legislative member shall designate another legislativemember or members, as applicable, to serve as the representative for theother position or positions. After the initial staggering of terms,nonlegislative citizen members appointed by the Speaker of the House ofDelegates or the Senate Committee on Rules shall be appointed for a term oftwo years, and nonlegislative citizen members appointed by the Governor shallbe appointed for a term of four years. Appointments to fill vacancies, otherthan by expiration of a term, shall be for the unexpired terms. All membersmay be reappointed. No nonlegislative citizen member appointed by thelegislative appointing authorities shall serve more than four consecutivetwo-year terms and no nonlegislative citizen member appointed by the Governorshall serve more than two consecutive four-year terms. The remainder of anyterm to which a member is appointed to fill a vacancy shall not constitute aterm in determining the member's eligibility for reappointment. Vacanciesshall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments.
The Governor shall serve as the chairman of the Council. The Council shallelect a vice-chairman from its membership. A majority of members of theCouncil shall constitute a quorum. The Council shall meet at least four timeseach year. The meetings of the Council shall be held at the call of thechairman or whenever four or more members so request.
C. Legislative members of the Council shall receive such compensation asprovided in § 30-19.12 and nonlegislative citizen members shall receivecompensation as provided in § 2.2-2813 for the performance of their duties.All members shall be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expensesincurred in the performance of their duties as provided in §§ 2.2-2813 and2.2-2825. Funding for the costs of compensation and expenses of the membersshall be provided by the Department of Planning and Budget.
(2003, c. 900; 2004, c. 1000; 2010, c. 101.)