2.2-2430 - Funds of the Board.
§ 2.2-2430. Funds of the Board.
The Director of the Department of Planning and Budget shall oversee andapprove the disbursement of all funds appropriated to the Board. Uponapproval, the funds of the Board shall be disbursed for the following generalpurposes:
1. Annual operating grant-funding to public broadcasting stations fordeveloping, acquiring, producing, and distributing programs and relatedservices that support local needs of pre-school and adult education;disseminating information to the citizenry regarding the government and itsaffairs; promoting tourism and enhancing the Commonwealth's economicdevelopment; and supporting other programs that inform, educate, andentertain the citizenry with noncommercial programming.
2. Annual contract-funding to public broadcasting stations to regionallymanage and provide programming and related services that directly support theinstructional activities of local schools and home educators.
3. Matching capital-funding to public broadcasting stations for constructionand equipment modernization to keep Virginia stations consistent withindustry standards.
4. Funding for specific programs and projects to be provided by a publicbroadcasting station that may not be included in another funding category.
(1997, c. 858, § 2.1-563.27:5; 2001, c. 844.)