2.2-2402 - Governor's approval of works of art; removal, etc.; structures, fixtures and works of art placed on or extending over state property.
§ 2.2-2402. Governor's approval of works of art; removal, etc.; structures,fixtures and works of art placed on or extending over state property.
A. No work of art shall become the property of the Commonwealth by purchase,gift or otherwise, unless the work of art or a design thereof, together withits proposed location, have been submitted to and approved by the Governoracting with the advice and counsel of the Board. Nor shall any work of art,until so submitted and approved, be contracted for, placed in or upon orallowed to extend over any property belonging to the Commonwealth. Noexisting work of art owned by the Commonwealth shall be removed, relocated oraltered in any way without submission to the Governor.
This subsection shall not apply to any portrait, tablet or work of artportraying, or pertaining to, a present or former Governor and presented to,or acquired, by the Governor and displayed in that part of the building underthe direct supervision of the Governor or a present or former presidingofficer of the Senate or a member or former member of the Supreme Court, theSenate, or the House of Delegates, presented to, or acquired by, the member'sor presiding officer's respective body and displayed in that part of anybuilding under the direct supervision and jurisdiction of such body nor shallthey apply to any portrait, tablet or work of art acquired by the VirginiaMuseum of Fine Arts or museums operated in conjunction with art orarchitectural departments at public colleges or universities in Virginia.
B. No construction or erection of any building or any appurtenant structureof any nature, which is to be placed on or allowed to extend over anyproperty belonging to the Commonwealth, and no construction or erection ofany bridge, arch, gate, fence, or other structure or fixture intendedprimarily for ornamental or memorial purposes, and which is to be paid for,either wholly or in part by appropriation from the state treasury, and, whichis to be placed on or allowed to extend over any property belonging to theCommonwealth, shall be begun, unless the design and proposed location thereofhave been submitted to the Governor and its artistic character approved inwriting by him acting with the advice and counsel of the Board, unless theGovernor has failed to disapprove in writing the design within thirty daysafter its submission. No existing structure of the kinds described in thissubsection, owned by the Commonwealth, shall be removed, remodeled or addedto, nor shall any appurtenant structure be attached without submission to theGovernor and the artistic character of the proposed new structure approved inwriting by him acting with the advice and counsel of the Board, unless theGovernor has failed to disapprove in writing the design within thirty daysafter its submission.
C. No work of art not owned by the Commonwealth shall be placed in or upon orallowed to extend over any property belonging to the Commonwealth for aperiod of more than two years unless such work of art or a design thereof hasbeen submitted to and approved by the Governor acting with the advice andcounsel of the Board.
This subsection shall not apply to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts ormuseums operated in conjunction with art or architectural departments atpublic colleges and universities in Virginia.
(Code 1919, § 582; 1920, p. 393; 1942, p. 197; R. P. 1948, § 9-11; 1956, c.223; 1970, c. 203; 1975, c. 514; 1978, c. 580, § 2.1-488.4; 2000, c. 551;2001, c. 844.)