2.2-213.1 - Secretary of Health and Human Resources and Commissioner of Insurance to develop long-term care public information campaign.
§ 2.2-213.1. Secretary of Health and Human Resources and Commissioner ofInsurance to develop long-term care public information campaign.
A. In order to respond to the burgeoning population of seniors in theCommonwealth, the Secretary of Health and Human Resources and theCommissioner of Insurance shall develop a public information campaign toinform the citizens of the Commonwealth of (i) the impending crisis inlong-term care, (ii) the effect of the impending crisis on the VirginiaMedicaid program and on the finances of families and their estates, (iii)innovative alternatives and combinations of institutional and community-basedlong-term care services, and (iv) the requirements for long-term careinsurance certificates and policies and the meaning of terminology used insuch certificates and policies.
B. The Secretary of Health and Human Resources and the Commissioner ofInsurance shall enlist the assistance of the Board of Health and theCommissioner of Health, in the exercise of their responsibilities set forthin Title 32.1 to protect, implement, and preserve the public health, indisseminating the information concerning long-term care to the public.
(2005, c. 92.)