2.2-205.1 - Economic Crisis Strike Force.
§ 2.2-205.1. Economic Crisis Strike Force.
A. There is hereby established the Economic Crisis Strike Force (StrikeForce) for the purpose of serving as a working group to respond as needed toeconomic disasters in Virginia communities by (i) immediately providing asingle point of contact for citizens in affected communities to assist withaccessing available government and private sector services and resources,(ii) assisting localities in developing short-term and long-term strategiesfor addressing the economic crisis, and (iii) identifying opportunities forworkforce retraining, job creation, and new investment.
B. The Strike Force shall be chaired by the Secretary of Commerce and Tradeand be deployed at the direction of the Governor. Membership shall includehigh level representatives designated by the Secretaries of Education andHealth and Human Resources and by the respective heads of the followingagencies: the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Departmentof Business Assistance, the Department of Education, the Department ofHousing and Community Development, the Department of Labor and Industry, theDepartment of Medical Assistance Services, the Department of MinorityBusiness Enterprise, the Department of Social Services, the VirginiaCommunity College System, the Virginia Employment Commission, the VirginiaEconomic Development Partnership, and the Virginia Tourism Authority. TheStrike Force shall also include representatives from such other agencies asmay be designated by the Governor to meet the needs of a particular affectedcommunity. In addition, the Governor may designate such citizens as he deemsappropriate to advise the Strike Force.
C. Staff support for the Strike Force shall be provided by the Office of theGovernor and the Secretary of Commerce and Trade. All agencies of theCommonwealth shall assist the Strike Force upon request.
D. On or before December 1 of each year, the Strike Force shall report to theGovernor and the General Assembly on its activities.
E. For the purposes of this section, "economic disaster" means anemployment loss of at least 5% during the immediately preceding six-monthperiod, the closure or downsizing of a major regional employer in aneconomically distressed area, a natural disaster or act of terrorism forwhich the Governor has declared a state of emergency, or other economiccrisis situations, which in the opinion of the Governor adversely affect thewelfare of the citizens of the Commonwealth.
(2006, cc. 79, 80.)