2.2-1834 - Inspection of state-owned properties for insurance purposes; determination of coverage; procurement, discontinuance, etc., of insurance.
§ 2.2-1834. Inspection of state-owned properties for insurance purposes;determination of coverage; procurement, discontinuance, etc., of insurance.
A. The Division may inspect or administer a program of self-inspection forall state-owned properties and confer with the proper officials or employeesof the several agencies of the Commonwealth for the purpose of determining(i) insurance coverages that are necessary with respect to properties undertheir control and (ii) the manner whereby savings and costs of such insurancemay be made. It may seek the assistance of insurance companies and theirrepresentatives, and the State Fire Marshal, in devising means by whichhazards may be reduced or eliminated. The Division shall have finalresponsibility with respect to coverage, noncoverage, provisions of policies,quantity and type of fire and extended coverage, vandalism and maliciousmischief, and optional perils or all risk insurance coverage. The Governormay exempt any agency, institution of higher education, or part thereof fromany part of the risk management and insurance program.
B. The Division may change or discontinue fire and extended coverage,vandalism and malicious mischief, optional perils or all risk insurancecoverage carried pursuant to bond indentures and other contractualrequirements, provided the change or discontinuance meets with the writtenapproval of the trustee of the bond indenture and those signatory to thecontracts.
C. As its programs are implemented, the Division shall assume the soleresponsibility, with the approval of the Governor, for purchasing insurance,self-insuring or combining insurance and self-insurance (i) on all propertiesof the Commonwealth or (ii) for protection of liabilities or other casualties.
(1980, c. 488, § 2.1-526.3; 1982, c. 318; 1988, c. 848; 1996, cc. 475, 510;2000, cc. 618, 632, § 2.1-191.7; 2001, c. 844.)