2.2-1164 - Standards for inspection of buildings for asbestos.
§ 2.2-1164. Standards for inspection of buildings for asbestos.
The Director, at the direction of the Secretary and in cooperation with anyother appropriate agencies including, but not limited to, the Department ofEducation shall adopt standards for the inspection of state-owned and localeducation agency buildings of all types and the ancillary facilities used inconnection therewith for the purpose of identifying the presence of asbestosand to the extent practicable the relative hazard to health or safety posedby any asbestos identified. The Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 etseq.) shall not apply to the adoption of standards under this section.
A. The standards shall include:
1. Inspection for the presence, location and condition of asbestos-containingmaterials;
2. Development of a building asbestos profile for each building inspected andfound to contain asbestos-containing material, which profile shall:
(a) Include information regarding product type (surfacing material, thermalsystem insulation, or miscellaneous material), specific location, estimatedquantity (in square or linear feet), type and percentage of asbestos content,and physical condition;
(b) Be kept in possession of the person designated pursuant to subsection E,at a location in the building where it is readily accessible to buildingemployees or their designated representatives;
(c) Be updated as surveillance, test results and/or response actions areundertaken in the building.
B. The following standards are established for state-owned buildings:
1. When air monitoring is used for building assessment, it shall be used inconjunction with comprehensive visual assessment techniques for determiningthe priority and nature of response action.
2. The airborne asbestos reoccupancy level, to be measured upon completion ofresponse actions, shall be equal to the reoccupancy standards established forbuildings pursuant to subsection C.
C. The Director, in conjunction with the state Departments of Professionaland Occupational Regulation, Health, Labor and Industry, Education, andEnvironmental Quality, shall adopt standards governing aggressive airsampling after completion of an asbestos project for airborne asbestos forlocal education agencies and public colleges and universities.
D. Asbestos management plans for state-owned buildings shall include:
1. Operation and maintenance programs, including procedures for thenotification of maintenance and housekeeping personnel of the location ofasbestos-containing materials likely to be disturbed during routine buildingoperations; the labeling of asbestos-containing materials in routinemaintenance areas; and work practices, engineering controls or personalprotective measures to minimize asbestos exposure to such personnel and otherbuilding occupants;
2. Training requirements for maintenance workers and maintenance supervisorypersonnel;
3. Assurance of compliance by contractors with licensing under applicablestate laws and regulations; and
4. Provisions for setting priorities of buildings for response actions.
E. Each person responsible for such management plans shall designate onemember of the maintenance personnel in or responsible for each buildingcontaining asbestos-containing materials to serve as the liaison tocoordinate the specific efforts of such program within the particularbuilding to which the liaison is assigned.
(1985, c. 534, § 2.1-526.14; 1986, cc. 288, 560; 1988, c. 723; 1993, c. 660;2001, c. 844.)