2.2-1145 - Inventory of property and Governor's house; custody of house and property pending election of Governor.
§ 2.2-1145. Inventory of property and Governor's house; custody of house andproperty pending election of Governor.
When the term of office of any Governor expires, or he shall die or resign,the Division shall take an inventory of all the public property and furniturein the Governor's house and outbuildings and deliver the inventory to theComptroller, to be preserved in his office. The Division shall, unless thehouse is occupied by the Lieutenant Governor, have charge of the house,furniture, and other public property, until a Governor is elected and takespossession.
(Code 1950, § 2-68; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-86; 1977, c. 672, § 2.1-501; 2001, c.844.)