2.2-1104 - Laboratory, testing, and analytical functions.
§ 2.2-1104. Laboratory, testing, and analytical functions.
A. The Division shall provide, but is not limited to, the following specificlaboratory, testing and analytical functions:
1. Maintain laboratories for the examination of clinical material andpathological specimens submitted by members of the medical profession of theCommonwealth and for which the Division may charge fees to recover full costs.
2. Provide laboratory services for the testing and analysis of variousproducts, foods, drinks, economic poisons and other materials regulated orcontrolled by the Commonwealth.
3. Provide laboratory services for the analysis and examination of samplesand materials related to environmental control.
4. Establish and conduct programs of inspection and certification of otherlaboratories in the Commonwealth as mandated by the federal Safe DrinkingWater Act (P.L. 93-523) and state requirements pursuant to that Act.
B. No fee shall be charged for the analyses of water samples that arerequired by regulations of the Department of Health or for feed andfertilizer samples that are required by regulations of the Department ofAgriculture and Consumer Services.
C. The Division may provide, upon request of any law-enforcement agency,chemical and microbiological testing and analytical functions related to anycriminal investigation. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limitor preclude the Department of Forensic Science from conducting all necessarytesting and analytical functions associated with any criminal investigation.
D. Upon request of a bidder on any state contract that requires the Divisionto test or analyze the product being offered by the bidder, the Director ofthe Division of Purchases and Supply may allow such bidder or hisrepresentative to witness the test or analysis.
E. The Division shall provide for security and protection of evidence,official samples and all other samples submitted to the Division for analysisor examination.
(1977, c. 672, §§ 2.1-429, 2.1-430; 1984, c. 275; 1986, c. 610; 1989, cc. 53,409; 1990, c. 825; 1992, cc. 747, 873; 1996, c. 355; 2001, c. 844; 2005, cc.868, 881.)