2.2-1100 - Creation of Department; appointment of Director; duties.
§ 2.2-1100. Creation of Department; appointment of Director; duties.
A. There is created a Department of General Services (the Department), whichshall be headed by a Director appointed by the Governor to serve at hispleasure.
B. The Director of the Department shall, under the direction and control ofthe Governor, exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred or imposedupon him by law and perform such other duties as may be required by theGovernor. The Director shall be responsible for the overall supervision ofthe Department's divisions, programs and personnel. Under his direction theDepartment shall serve as an agency whose services are primarily for thesupport of other state agencies in carrying out their programs. The head ofeach division shall, under the direction and control of the Director,exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred by this chapter as theypertain to his division and perform such other duties as required by theDirector.
C. Whenever in this title and in the Code of Virginia, reference is made to adivision, department or agency transferred to this Department, it shall meanthe Department of General Services, through the division to which the powersand duties of that division, department or agency are assigned.Notwithstanding anything in this section to the contrary, the Director shallhave the authority to create new divisions within the Department and toassign or reassign the duties of the Department's divisions to whateverdivisions as may best perform them.
(1977, c. 672, §§ 2.1-422, 2.1-423, 2.1-425; 1978, c. 255; 1984, c. 720;2001, c. 844; 2005, c. 385.)