19.2-379 - Defense to information; rights of owners or lienors without knowledge of illegal use.
§ 19.2-379. Defense to information; rights of owners or lienors withoutknowledge of illegal use.
Any person concerned in interest may appear and make defense to theinformation, which may be done by answer on oath. The fact that the person bywhom the property was used in violating the law has not been convicted ofsuch violation shall be no defense. The information shall be independent ofany proceeding against such person or any other for violation of law. Unlessotherwise specifically provided by law, no forfeiture shall extinguish therights of any person without knowledge of the illegal use of such propertywho is the lawful owner or who has a lien on the same which has beenperfected in the manner provided by law.
(Code 1950, § 19.1-366; 1960, c. 366; 1975, c. 495.)