19.2-21 - Same; procedure when accused appears.

§ 19.2-21. Same; procedure when accused appears.

When such person appears, if the judge, on hearing the parties, considersthat there is not good cause for the complaint, he shall discharge suchperson, and may give judgment in his favor against the complainant for hiscosts. If he considers that there is good cause therefor, he may require arecognizance of the person against whom it is, and give judgment against himfor the costs of the prosecution, or any part thereof; and, unless suchrecognizance be given, he shall commit him to jail by a warrant, stating thesum and time in and for which the recognizance is directed. The person givenjudgment under this section for costs may issue a writ of fieri faciasthereon, if an appeal be not allowed; and proceedings thereupon may beaccording to §§ 16.1-99 through 16.1-101.

(Code 1950, § 19.1-22; 1960, c. 366; 1975, c. 495; 1978, c. 500.)