19.2-20 - Same; complaint and issuance of warrant therefor.

§ 19.2-20. Same; complaint and issuance of warrant therefor.

If complaint be made to any magistrate or judge that a person should berequired to give a recognizance to keep the peace due to any of the reasonsset forth in § 19.2-19, such magistrate or judge shall examine on oath thecomplainant, and any witness who may be produced, reduce the complaint towriting, and cause it to be signed by the complainant; and if probable causeis established, such magistrate or judge shall issue a warrant, reciting thecomplaint, and requiring the person complained of forthwith to be apprehendedand brought before the district court having appropriate jurisdiction.

(Code 1950, § 19.1-21; 1960, c. 366; 1975, c. 495; 1978, c. 500; 1979, c.708.)