19.2-194 - When and how grand jurors to be selected and summoned; lists to be delivered to clerk.

§ 19.2-194. When and how grand jurors to be selected and summoned; lists tobe delivered to clerk.

The judge or judges regularly presiding in the circuit court of each countyand city shall annually, in the month of June, July, or August, select fromcitizens of the county or city at least 60 persons and not more than 120persons 18 years of age or over, of honesty, intelligence, impartiality, andgood demeanor and suitable in all respects to serve as grand jurors, who,except as hereinafter provided, shall be the grand jurors for the county orcity from which they are selected for the next 12 months. The judge or judgesmaking the selection shall at once furnish to the clerk of the circuit courta list of those selected for that county or city.

The clerk, not more than 20 days before the commencement of each term of hiscourt at which a regular grand jury is required, shall issue a venire faciasto the sheriff of his county or city, commanding him to summon not less thanfive nor more than nine of the persons selected as aforesaid (the number tobe designated by the judge of the court by an order entered of record) to benamed in the writ to appear on the first day of the court to serve as grandjurors. Those persons who are to be summoned shall be randomly selected butno such person shall be required to appear more than once until all theothers have been summoned once, nor more than twice until the others havebeen twice summoned, and so on. The Circuit Court of James City County, orthe judge thereof in vacation, shall select the grand jurors for each courtfrom such county and the City of Williamsburg in such proportion from each ashe may think proper.

Any person who has legal custody of and is responsible for a child 16 yearsof age or younger or a person having a mental or physical impairmentrequiring continuous care during normal court hours shall be excused fromjury service upon his request.

(Code 1950, § 19.1-148; 1960, c. 366; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 262; 1973, cc. 401,439; 1974, c. 618; 1975, c. 495; 1991, c. 226; 2003, c. 825; 2004, c. 306;2008, c. 644.)