19.2-163.01:1 - Supplementing compensation of public defender
§ 19.2-163.01:1. Supplementing compensation of public defender.
A. The governing body of any county or city may supplement the compensationof the public defender or any of his deputies or employees above thecompensation fixed by the executive director, in such amounts as it may deemexpedient. Such additional compensation shall be wholly payable from thefunds of any such county or city.
B. Due to the privileged and protected nature of the attorney-clientrelationship and the statutory scope of representation provided in §§19.2-157 and 19.2-163.3, no county or city providing a supplement tocompensation under this section shall place any condition or requirement uponthe receipt of such funds.
C. Funds provided by any county or city under this section shall be paiddirectly to the employees with notice to the Indigent Defense Commission ofany amount so provided.
(2008, cc. 536, 815; 2010, c. 314.)