18.2-340.29 - Joint operation of bingo games; written reports; joint permit required.

§ 18.2-340.29. Joint operation of bingo games; written reports; joint permitrequired.

A. Any two or more qualified organizations may jointly organize and conductbingo games provided both have fully complied with all other provisions ofthis article.

B. Any two or more qualified organizations jointly conducting such gamesshall be (i) subject to the same restrictions and prohibitions contained inthis article that would apply to a single organization conducting bingo gamesand (ii) required to furnish to the Department a written report setting forththe location where such games will be held, the division of manpower, costs,and proceeds for each game to be jointly conducted.

Upon a finding that the division of manpower and costs for each game bears areasonable relationship to the division of proceeds, the Department shallissue a joint permit.

C. No bingo game shall be jointly conducted until the joint permit issuedpursuant to subsection B is obtained by the organizations.

(1995, c. 837; 2003, c. 884; 2006, c. 644.)