18.2-340.26:1 - Sale of instant bingo, pull tabs or seal cards; proceeds not counted as gross receipts
§ 18.2-340.26:1. Sale of instant bingo, pull tabs or seal cards; proceeds notcounted as gross receipts.
A. Instant bingo, pull tabs or seal cards may be sold only upon the premisesowned or exclusively leased by the organization and at such times as theportion of the premises in which the instant bingo, pull tabs or seal cardsare sold is open only to members and their guests. Nothing in this articleshall be construed to prohibit the conduct of games of chance involving thesale of pull tabs or seal cards, commonly known as last sale games, conductedin accordance with this section.
B. The proceeds from instant bingo, pull tabs or seal cards shall not beincluded in determining the gross receipts for a qualified organizationprovided the gaming (i) is limited exclusively to members of the organizationand their guests, (ii) is not open to the general public, and (iii) there isno public solicitation or advertisement made regarding such gaming.
(2001, c. 833; 2006, c. 644; 2007, c. 196.)