18.2-316 - Duty of persons causing well or pit to be dug to fill it before abandonment.
§ 18.2-316. Duty of persons causing well or pit to be dug to fill it beforeabandonment.
Any person who has caused to be dug on his own land or the land of anotherany well or pit, shall fill such well or pit with earth so that the sameshall not be dangerous to human beings, animals or fowls before such well orsuch pit is abandoned; and any person owning land whereon any such well orpit is located shall in the same manner fill with earth any such well or pitwhich has been abandoned, provided such person has knowledge of the existenceof such well or pit.
But in the case of mining operations in lieu of filling the shaft or pit theowner or operator thereof on ceasing operations in such shaft or pit shallsecurely fence the same and keep the same at all times thereafter securelyfenced.
Any person violating any provision of this section shall be deemed guilty ofa Class 3 misdemeanor.
(Code 1950, § 18.1-73; 1960, c. 358; 1975, cc. 14, 15.)