18.2-246.11 - Registration and reporting requirements.
§ 18.2-246.11. Registration and reporting requirements.
A. Prior to making delivery sales or mailing, shipping, or otherwisedelivering cigarettes in connection with any such delivery sales, everyperson shall file with the Board and with the Attorney General a statementsetting forth such person's name, trade name, and the address of suchperson's principal place of business and any other place of business.
B. Not later than the tenth day of each calendar month, each person that hasmade a delivery sale or mailed, shipped, or otherwise delivered cigarettes inconnection with any such delivery sale during the previous calendar monthshall file with the Board and with the Attorney General a report in theformat prescribed by the Board, which may include an electronic format, thatprovides for each and every such delivery sale:
1. The name and address of the consumer to whom such delivery sale was made;
2. The brand or brands of the cigarettes that were sold in such deliverysale; and
3. The quantity of cigarettes that were sold in such delivery sale.
C. Any person who satisfies the requirements of § 376 of Title 15 of theUnited States Code shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of thissection.
D. For purposes of any penalty that may be imposed for a violation of thissection, a failure to file a particular statement or report with both theBoard and the Attorney General shall constitute a single violation.
(2003, c. 1010; 2009, c. 847.)