18.2-237 - Buying, etc., certain secondhand materials; intent; possession.
§ 18.2-237. Buying, etc., certain secondhand materials; intent; possession.
If any person buy or receive secondhand grate baskets, keys, bells and bellfixtures, gas fixtures, water fixtures, water pipes, gas pipes, or any partof such fixtures or pipes with intent to defraud, he shall be guilty of aClass 2 misdemeanor. Possession of any such secondhand baskets, keys, bellsand bell fixtures, water fixtures, gas fixtures, water pipes, gas pipes, orany part of such fixtures or pipes if bought or received from any otherperson than the manufacturer thereof or his authorized agent or the ownerthereof shall be prima facie evidence of such intent.
(Code 1950, § 59.1-66; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.)