18.2-186 - False statements to obtain property or credit.
§ 18.2-186. False statements to obtain property or credit.
A. A person shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor if he makes, causes tobe made or conspires to make directly, indirectly or through an agency, anymaterially false statement in writing, knowing it to be false and intendingthat it be relied upon, concerning the financial condition or means orability to pay of himself, or of any other person for whom he is acting, orany firm or corporation in which he is interested or for which he is acting,for the purpose of procuring, for his own benefit or for the benefit of suchperson, firm or corporation, the delivery of personal property, the paymentof cash, the making of a loan or credit, the extension of a credit, thediscount of an account receivable, or the making, acceptance, discount, saleor endorsement of a bill of exchange or promissory note.
B. Any person who knows that a false statement has been made in writingconcerning the financial condition or ability to pay of himself or of anyperson for whom he is acting, or any firm or corporation in which he isinterested or for which he is acting and who, with intent to defraud,procures, upon the faith thereof, for his own benefit, or for the benefit ofthe person, firm or corporation in which he is interested or for which he isacting, any such delivery, payment, loan, credit, extension, discount making,acceptance, sale or endorsement, shall, if the value of the thing or theamount of the loan, credit or benefit obtained is $200 or more, be guilty ofgrand larceny or, if the value is less than $200, be guilty of petit larceny.
C. Venue for the trial of any person charged with an offense under thissection may be in the county or city in which (i) any act was performed infurtherance of the offense, or (ii) the person charged with the offenseresided at the time of the offense.
D. As used in this section, "in writing" shall include informationtransmitted by computer, facsimile, e-mail, Internet, or any other electronicmedium, and shall not include information transmitted by any such medium byvoice transmission.
(Code 1950, § 18.1-119; 1960, c. 358; 1966, c. 247; 1975, cc. 14, 15; 1981,c. 197; 1991, c. 546; 2006, c. 321; 2007, c. 518.)