18.2-138 - Damaging public buildings, etc.; penalty.
§ 18.2-138. Damaging public buildings, etc.; penalty.
Any person who willfully and maliciously (i) breaks any window or door of theCapitol, any courthouse, house of public worship, college, school house, cityor town hall, or other public building or library, (ii) damages or defacesthe Capitol or any other public building or any statuary in the Capitol, onthe Capitol Square, or in or on any other public buildings or public grounds,or (iii) destroys any property in any of such buildings shall be guilty of aClass 6 felony if damage to the property is $1,000 or more or a Class 1misdemeanor if the damage is less than $1,000.
Any person who willfully and unlawfully damages or defaces any book,newspaper, magazine, pamphlet, map, picture, manuscript, or other propertylocated in any library, reading room, museum, or other educationalinstitution shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony if damage to the property is$1,000 or more or a Class 1 misdemeanor if the damage is less than $1,000.
(Code 1950, § 18.1-177; 1960, c. 358; 1975, cc. 14, 15; 1990, c. 454.)