18.2-75 - Conscience clause.

§ 18.2-75. Conscience clause.

Nothing in §§ 18.2-72, 18.2-73 or § 18.2-74 shall require a hospital or othermedical facility or physician to admit any patient under the provisionshereof for the purpose of performing an abortion. In addition, any person whoshall state in writing an objection to any abortion or all abortions onpersonal, ethical, moral or religious grounds shall not be required toparticipate in procedures which will result in such abortion, and the refusalof such person, hospital or other medical facility to participate thereinshall not form the basis of any claim for damages on account of such refusalor for any disciplinary or recriminatory action against such person, norshall any such person be denied employment because of such objection orrefusal. The written objection shall remain in effect until such person shallrevoke it in writing or terminate his association with the facility withwhich it is filed.

(Code 1950, § 18.1-63.1; 1974, c. 679; 1975, cc. 14, 15.)