17.1-293 - Posting and availability of certain information on the Internet; prohibitions.

§ 17.1-293. Posting and availability of certain information on the Internet;prohibitions.

A. Notwithstanding Chapter 37 (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.) of Title 2.2 or subsectionB of this section, it shall be unlawful for any court clerk to disclose thesocial security number or other identification numbers appearing on driver'slicenses or information on credit cards, debit cards, bank accounts, or otherelectronic billing and payment systems that was supplied to a court clerk forthe purpose of paying fees, fines, taxes, or other charges collected by suchcourt clerk. The prohibition shall not apply where disclosure of suchinformation is required (i) to conduct or complete the transaction for whichsuch information was submitted or (ii) by other law or court order.

B. Beginning January 1, 2004, no court clerk shall post on the Internet anydocument that contains the following information: (i) an actual signature,(ii) a social security number, (iii) a date of birth identified with aparticular person, (iv) the maiden name of a person's parent so as to beidentified with a particular person, (v) any financial account number ornumbers, or (vi) the name and age of any minor child.

C. Each such clerk shall post notice that includes a list of the documentsroutinely posted on its website. However, the clerk shall not postinformation on his website that includes private activity for privatefinancial gain.

D. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit access to anyoriginal document as provided by law.

E. This section shall not apply to the following:

1. Providing access to any document among the land records via secure remoteaccess pursuant to § 17.1-294;

2. Postings related to legitimate law-enforcement purposes;

3. Postings of historical, genealogical, interpretive, or educationaldocuments and information about historic persons and events;

4. Postings of instruments and records filed or recorded prior to 1907; and

5. Providing secure remote access to any person and his counsel to documentsfiled in matters to which such person is a party.

F. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the Supreme Court or any othercourt from providing online access to a case management system that mayinclude abstracts of case filings and proceedings in the courts of theCommonwealth.

G. The court clerk shall be immune from suit arising from any acts oromissions relating to providing remote access on the Internet pursuant tothis section unless the clerk was grossly negligent or engaged in willfulmisconduct.

This subsection shall not be construed to limit, withdraw, or overturn anydefense or immunity already existing in statutory or common law, or to affectany cause of action accruing prior to July 1, 2005.

(2007, cc. 548, 626; 2010, c. 430.)