17.1-281 - Assessment for courthouse construction, renovation or maintenance.
§ 17.1-281. Assessment for courthouse construction, renovation or maintenance.
A. Any county or city, through its governing body, may assess a sum not inexcess of two dollars as part of the costs in (i) each civil action filed inthe district or circuit courts located within its boundaries and (ii) eachcriminal or traffic case in its district or circuit court in which thedefendant is charged with a violation of any statute or ordinance. If a townprovides court facilities for a county, the governing body of the countyshall return to the town a portion of the assessments collected based on thenumber of civil, criminal and traffic cases originating and heard in the town.
B. The imposition of such assessment shall be by ordinance of the governingbody which may provide for different sums in circuit courts and districtcourts. The assessment shall be collected by the clerk of the court in whichthe action is filed, remitted to the treasurer of the appropriate county orcity and held by such treasurer subject to disbursements by the governingbody for the construction, renovation, or maintenance of courthouse or jailand court-related facilities and to defray increases in the cost of heating,cooling, electricity, and ordinary maintenance.
C. Any county or city which, on or after January 1, 2008, operated acourthouse not in compliance with the current safety and security guidelinescontained in the Virginia Courthouse Facility Guidelines, as certified by theDepartment of General Services upon application to the Department by thecounty or city, and which cannot be feasibly renovated to correct suchnon-compliance, through its governing body, may assess an additional sum notin excess of three dollars as part of the costs in (i) each civil actionfiled in the district or circuit courts located within its boundaries and(ii) each criminal or traffic case in its district or circuit court in whichthe defendant is charged with a violation of any statute or ordinance. Suchadditional fee assessed under this subsection shall not be assessed in anycivil action if the amount in controversy is $500 or less. Any locality whichapplies for certification from the Department under this subsection shallreimburse the Department for the actual costs incurred by the Department incomplying with the certification request.
D. The imposition of such assessment shall be by ordinance of the governingbody, which may provide for different sums in circuit courts and districtcourts. The assessment shall be collected by the clerk of the court in whichthe action is filed, remitted to the treasurer of the appropriate county orcity, and held by such treasurer subject to disbursements by the governingbody solely for the construction, reconstruction, renovation of, or adaptivere-use of a structure for a courthouse.
E. The assessments provided for herein shall be in addition to any other feesprescribed by law. The assessments shall be required in each felony,misdemeanor, or traffic infraction case, regardless of the existence of alocal ordinance requiring their payment.
(1990, c. 543, § 14.1-133.2; 1991, c. 689; 1992, cc. 698, 863; 1998, c. 872;1999, c. 9; 2002, c. 831; 2009, cc. 814, 857.)