17.1-278 - Additional fees in certain courts; use by Virginia State Bar.
§ 17.1-278. Additional fees in certain courts; use by Virginia State Bar.
In addition to the fees prescribed by § 16.1-69.48:2 and subdivision A 13 of§ 17.1-275 and to be collected by the clerk of the circuit or generaldistrict court upon the filing of papers for the commencement of civilactions in such courts, the following additional fees shall be collected inall cities and counties in which civil legal representation is provided forthe poor, without charge, by a nonprofit legal aid program organized underthe auspices of the Virginia State Bar: (i) upon commencement of a civilaction in such circuit court, an additional fee of $10 and (ii) uponcommencement of a civil action in such general district court, an additionalfee of $10.
The additional fees prescribed by this action shall be collected by the clerkat the time of the filing. The amounts so collected shall be paid by theclerk to the state treasury and credited as follows: (i) $9 to a special fundwithin the Virginia State Bar fund to be designated the Legal Aid ServicesFund, and (ii) $1 to the general fund for funding of the district courts ofthe Commonwealth. Such amount for the district courts shall be used to assistindigent litigants. Such amounts credited to the Legal Aid Services Fundshall be disbursed by the Virginia State Bar by check from the StateTreasurer upon a warrant of the Comptroller to nonprofit legal aid programsorganized under the auspices of the Virginia State Bar through the LegalServices Corporation of Virginia to assist in defraying the costs of suchprograms. However, the additional fees prescribed by this section shall notbe collected in actions initiated by any local government or by theCommonwealth.
(1992, cc. 249, 749, § 14.1-125.1; 1998, c. 872; 2002, c. 318; 2004, c. 925;2005, c. 681; 2006, c. 189; 2008, c. 692.)