17.1-272 - Process and service fees generally.
§ 17.1-272. Process and service fees generally.
A. The fee for process and service in the following instances shall be $12:
1. Service on any person, firm or corporation, an order, notice, summons orany other civil process, except as herein otherwise provided, and for serviceon any person, firm, or corporation any process when the body is not takenand making a return thereof, except that no fee shall be charged for servicepursuant to § 2.2-4022.
2. Summoning a witness or garnishee on an attachment.
3. Service on any person of an attachment or other process under which thebody is taken and making a return thereon.
4. Service of any order of court not otherwise provided for, except that nofees shall be charged for protective orders issued pursuant to Chapter 11 (§16.1-226 et seq.) of Title 16.1.
5. Making a return of a writ of fieri facias where no levy is made orforthcoming bond is taken.
6. Summoning a witness in any case in which custody or visitation of a minorchild or children is at issue.
B. The fees for process and service in the following instances shall be $25:
1. Service and publication of any notice of a publicly-advertised public sale.
2. Service of a writ of possession, except that there shall be an additionalfee of $12 for each additional defendant.
3. Levying upon current money, bank notes, goods or chattels of a judgmentdebtor pursuant to § 8.01-478.
4. Service of a declaration in ejectment on any person, firm or corporation,except that there shall be an additional fee of $12 for each additionaldefendant.
5. Levying distress warrant or an attachment.
6. Levying an execution.
C. The process and service fee for serving any papers returnable out of stateshall be $75, except no fees shall be charged for the service of papers inconnection with the prosecution of any misdemeanor or felony domesticviolence offense, or in connection with the filing, issuance, registration,or service of a protection order or a petition for protection order, toprotect a victim of domestic violence, stalking or sexual assault. A victimof domestic violence, stalking or sexual assault shall not bear the costsassociated with the filing of criminal charges against the offender, or thecosts associated with the filing, issuance, registration, or service of awarrant, protection order, petition for a protection order, or witnesssubpoena, issued inside or outside the Commonwealth.
D. The fees set out in this section shall be allowable for services providedby such officers in the circuit and district courts.
(Code 1950, §§ 14-104, 14-116, p. 25; 1964, c. 386, §§ 14.1-93, 14.1-105;1971, Ex. Sess., c. 155; 1972, c. 719; 1975, c. 591; 1976, cc. 308, 310;1981, c. 411; 1982, c. 674; 1983, c. 407; 1984, c. 317; 1992, c. 648; 1995,c. 51, § 14.1-95.1; 1998, c. 872; 2002, c. 508; 2004, cc. 198, 211, 588.)