17.1-249 - General indexes for clerks' offices; daily index.
§ 17.1-249. General indexes for clerks' offices; daily index.
A. There shall be kept in every clerk's office modern, family name orledgerized alphabetical key-table general indexes to all deed books,miscellaneous liens, will books, judgment dockets and court order books. Theclerk shall enter daily either in such general indexes or in the daily indexto instruments admitted to record every deed, corrected or amended deed, deedof release, deed of trust, contract of sale, or any addendum or memorandumrelating to any of these instruments, indexing each instrument in the namesof all parties listed in the first clause of each instrument as required by§§ 55-48 and 55-58. Any clerk, deputy clerk, or employee of any clerk who soindexes any such instrument shall index any name appearing in the firstclause of the original instrument, unless the instrument is submitted forrecordation with a cover sheet pursuant to § 17.1-227.1, in which case, theinstrument may be indexed by the information contained in the cover sheet.The clerk shall comply with the provisions of § 17.1-223.
B. A deed made to one or more trustees to secure the payment of anindebtedness, and any certificate of satisfaction or certificate of partialsatisfaction, assignment, loan modification agreement, substitution oftrustees or similar instrument subsequently recorded with respect to suchdeed, shall be sufficiently indexed if the clerk enters in the appropriateplaces in the general index to deeds provided for in subsection A the namesof the grantor and the name of the beneficiary or, in lieu of the name of thebeneficiary, the first listed trustee as grantee. The beneficiary need not benamed in the first clause of the deed as a condition of recordation.
C. A deed made by a person in a representative capacity, or by devisees orcoparceners, shall be indexed in the names of the grantors and grantees andthe name of the former record title owner listed in the first clause of theinstrument.
D. The general indexes of civil causes shall be sufficiently kept if theclerk indexes such causes under the short style or title thereof, except thatin multiple suits brought under § 58.1-3968, the names of all of thedefendants disclosed by the pleadings shall be entered in the general indexor book.
E. Every deed of conveyance of real estate in which a vendor's lien isreserved shall be double indexed so as to show not only the conveyance fromthe grantor to the grantee in the instrument, but also the reservation of thelien as if it were a grant of the same from the grantee to the grantor by aseparate instrument and the fact of the lien shall be noted in the index.
F. All deed books, miscellaneous liens, will books, judgment dockets, andcourt order books shall be numbered or otherwise adequately designated andthe clerk upon the delivery of any writing to him for record required by lawto be recorded shall duly index it upon the general index in the mannerhereinbefore required. When the writing has been actually transcribed on thebook, the clerk shall add to the general index the number of the book inwhich, and the page on which, the writing is recorded.
G. The clerk on receipt of any such writing for record may immediately indexit in a book to be known as the "daily index of instruments admitted torecord" and within 90 days after its admission to record the clerk shallindex all such writings indexed in the daily index in the appropriate generalindex as hereinbefore provided. The daily index book shall, at all times, bekept in the office of the clerk and conveniently available for examination bythe public. During the period permitted for transfer from the daily index tothe general index, indexing in the daily index shall be a sufficientcompliance with the requirements of this section as to indexing.
H. The judge of any circuit court may make such orders as he deems advisableas to the time and method of indexing the order books in the clerk's officeof the court and may dispense with a general index for order books of thecourt.
I. The clerk may maintain his indexes on computer, word processor, microfilm,microfiche, or other micrographic medium and, in addition, may maintain hisgrantor and grantee indexes on paper.
(Code 1919, § 3394, § 17-79; 1920, p. 105; 1926, p. 125; 1936, p. 82; 1944,p. 355; 1952, c. 34; 1960, c. 146; 1974, c. 515; 1983, c. 293; 1990, c. 374;1991, cc. 203, 204; 1998, c. 872; 2002, cc. 276, 832; 2005, c. 681; 2008, cc.823, 833.)