17.1-227 - Documents to be recorded in deed books; social security numbers.
§ 17.1-227. Documents to be recorded in deed books; social security numbers.
All deeds, deeds of trust, deeds of release, certificates of satisfaction orcertificates of partial satisfaction, quitclaim deeds, homestead deeds,grants, transfers and mortgages of real estate, releases of such mortgages,powers of attorney to convey real estate, leases of real estate, notices oflis pendens and all contracts in reference to real estate, which have beenacknowledged as required by law, and certified copies of final judgments ordecrees of partition affecting the title or possession of real estate, anypart of which is situated in the county or city in which it is sought to berecorded, and all other writings relating to or affecting real estate whichare authorized to be recorded, shall, unless otherwise provided, be recordedin a book to be known as the deed book. All deeds, deeds of trust, deeds ofrelease, quitclaim deeds, grants, transfers, and mortgages of real estate orany addendum or memorandum relating to any of these instruments submitted forrecordation in the deed books of the appropriate office of the clerk of courtshall be prepared according to the requirements for deeds as set forth in §§55-48 and 55-58 and shall include the names of all grantors and grantees inthe first clause of each such instrument. The clerk may refuse to accept anyinstrument submitted for recordation that includes a grantor's, grantee's ortrustee's social security number. However, the attorney or party who preparesor submits the instrument has responsibility for ensuring that the socialsecurity number is removed from the instrument prior to the instrument beingsubmitted for recordation. Each instrument shall be indexed under all suchnames in accordance with the provisions of § 17.1-249.
(Code 1919, § 3393, § 17-60; 1920, p. 313; 1932, p. 333; 1975, c. 469; 1976,c. 561; 1977, c. 282; 1990, c. 374; 1994, c. 64; 1997, c. 579; 1998, c. 872;2003, cc. 862, 914, 918; 2004, c. 352.)