16.1-309.3 - Establishment of a community-based system of services; biennial local plan; quarterly report.

§ 16.1-309.3. Establishment of a community-based system of services; bienniallocal plan; quarterly report.

A. Any county, city or combination thereof may establish a community-basedsystem pursuant to this article, which shall provide, or arrange to haveaccessible, a variety of predispositional and postdispositional services.These services may include, but are not limited to, diversion, communityservice, restitution, house arrest, intensive juvenile supervision, substanceabuse assessment and testing, first-time offender programs, intensiveindividual and family treatment, structured day treatment and structuredresidential programs, aftercare/parole community supervision and residentialand nonresidential services for juvenile offenders who are before intake oncomplaints or the court on petitions alleging that the juvenile isdelinquent, in need of services or in need of supervision but shall notinclude secure detention for the purposes of this article. Suchcommunity-based systems shall be based on an annual review of court-relateddata and an objective assessment of the need for services and programs forjuveniles before intake on complaints or the court on petitions alleging thatthe juvenile is a child in need of services, in need of supervision, ordelinquent. The community- based system shall be developed after consultationwith the judge or judges of the juvenile and domestic relations districtcourt, the director of the court services unit, the community policy andmanagement team established under § 2.2-5205, and, if applicable, thedirector of any program established pursuant to § 66-26.

B. Community-based services instituted pursuant to this article shall beadministered by a county, city or combination thereof, and may beadministered through a community policy and management team established under§ 2.2-5204 or a commission established under § 16.1-315. Such programs andservices may be provided by qualified public or private agencies, pursuant toappropriate contracts. Any commission established under § 16.1-315 providingpredispositional and postdispositional services prior to the enactment ofthis article which serves the City of Chesapeake or the City of Hampton shalldirectly receive the proportion of funds calculated under § 16.1-309.7 onbehalf of the owner localities. The funds received shall be allocateddirectly to the member localities. Any member locality which elects towithdraw from the commission shall be entitled to its full allocation asprovided in §§ 16.1-309.6 and 16.1-309.7. The Department of Juvenile Justiceshall provide technical assistance to localities, upon request, forestablishing or expanding programs or services pursuant to this article.

C. Funds provided to implement the provisions of this article shall not beused to supplant funds established as the state pool of funds under §2.2-5211.

D. Any county, city or combination thereof which establishes acommunity-based system pursuant to this article shall biennially submit tothe State Board for approval a local plan for the development, implementationand operation of such services, programs and facilities pursuant to thisarticle. The plan shall provide (i) the projected number of juveniles servedby alternatives to secure detention and (ii) any reduction in securedetention rates and commitments to state care as a result of programs fundedpursuant to this article. The State Board shall solicit written comments onthe plan from the judge or judges of the juvenile and domestic relationscourt, the director of the court services unit, and if applicable, thedirector of programs established pursuant to § 66-26. Prior to the initiationof any new services, the plan shall also include a cost comparison for theprivate operation of such services.

E. Each locality shall report quarterly to the Director the data required bythe Department to measure progress on stated objectives and to evaluateprograms and services within such locality's plan.

(1995, cc. 698, 840; 1996, cc. 671, 682; 1997, c. 347; 2000, cc. 195, 806;2007, c. 813.)