16.1-278.7 - Commitment to Department of Juvenile Justice.
§ 16.1-278.7. Commitment to Department of Juvenile Justice.
Only a juvenile who is adjudicated as a delinquent and is 11 years of age orolder may be committed to the Department of Juvenile Justice. Unlesspreviously completed, at the time a court commits a child to the Departmentof Juvenile Justice the court shall order an investigation pursuant to §16.1-273 to be completed within 15 days. No juvenile court or circuit courtshall order the commitment of any child jointly to the Department of JuvenileJustice and to a local board of social services or transfer the custody of achild jointly to a court service unit of a juvenile court and to a localboard of social services. Any person sentenced and committed to an activeterm of incarceration in the Department of Corrections who is, at the time ofsuch sentencing, in the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice, uponpronouncement of sentence, shall be immediately transferred to the Departmentof Corrections.
(1991, c. 534; 2000, cc. 954, 981, 988; 2007, c. 510.)