15.2-924.1 - Regulation of nonpoint source pollution; fertilizer.
§ 15.2-924.1. Regulation of nonpoint source pollution; fertilizer.
A. No locality shall regulate the use, application, or storage offertilizers, as defined in Chapter 36 (§ 3.2-3600 et seq.) of Title 3.2,except by ordinances consistent with the requirements of the Chesapeake BayPreservation Act (§ 10.1-2100 et seq.), the Erosion and Sediment Control Law(§ 10.1-560 et seq.), the Stormwater Management Act (§ 10.1-603.1 et seq.) orother nonpoint source regulations promulgated by the Department ofConservation and Recreation or the Soil and Water Conservation Board.
B. The provisions of this section shall not preempt the adoption, amendment,or enforcement of the Statewide Fire Prevention Code pursuant to § 27-97 andthe Uniform Statewide Building Code pursuant to § 36-98.
C. Any person aggrieved by any development condition prohibiting orrestricting the use, application, or storage of fertilizers imposed as acondition of approval of a land use application submitted shall have theright to contest any such development condition by filing an action pursuantto § 15.2-2285 or 15.2-2314, as the case may be, with the circuit courthaving jurisdiction of the land affected by the imposed development condition.
(2007, c. 563.)