15.2-7300 - Short title; declaration of public purpose; Fort Monroe Authority created; successor in interest to Fort Monroe Federal Area Development Authority.

§ 15.2-7300. Short title; declaration of public purpose; Fort MonroeAuthority created; successor in interest to Fort Monroe Federal AreaDevelopment Authority.

A. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Fort Monroe AuthorityAct.

B. The General Assembly finds and declares that:

1. Fort Monroe, located on a barrier spit at Hampton Roads Harbor and thesouthern end of Chesapeake Bay where the Old Point Comfort lighthouse hasbeen welcoming ships since 1802, is one of the Commonwealth's most importantcultural treasures. Strategically located near Virginia's Historic Triangleof Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Jamestown, the 565-acre site has beendesignated a National Historic Landmark District;

2. As a result of decisions made by the federal Base Realignment and ClosureCommission, Fort Monroe will cease to be an army base in 2011, and at thattime most of the site will revert to the Commonwealth;

3. The planning phase of Fort Monroe's transition from a United States Armybase to a village that will be owned by the Commonwealth has been managed bythe Fort Monroe Federal Area Development Authority (FMFADA), established bythe City of Hampton pursuant to legislation enacted by the General Assemblyin 2007. The Fort Monroe Federal Area Development Authority, a partnershipbetween the City and the Commonwealth, has fulfilled its primary purpose offormulating a reuse plan for Fort Monroe;

4. It is the policy of the Commonwealth to protect the historic resources atFort Monroe, provide public access to the Fort's historic resources andrecreational opportunities, exercise exemplary stewardship of the Fort'snatural resources, and maintain Fort Monroe in perpetuity as a place that isa desirable one in which to reside, do business, and visit, all in a way thatis economically sustainable;

5. Fort Monroe's status as a Commonwealth-owned village is unique. Municipalservices will need to be provided to Fort Monroe's visitors, residents, andbusinesses. Both the Commonwealth and the FMFADA are signatories to aProgrammatic Agreement under Section 106 of the National HistoricPreservation Act that requires several specific actions be taken, includingthe enforcement of Design Standards to be adopted by the FMFADA or itssuccessor to govern any new development or building restoration or renovationat Fort Monroe. There exists a need for an entity that can manage theproperty for the Commonwealth and ensure adherence to the findings,declarations, and policies set forth in this section; and

6. The creation of an authority for this purpose is in the public interest,serves a public purpose, and will promote the health, safety, welfare,convenience, and prosperity of the people of the Commonwealth.

C. The Fort Monroe Authority is created, with the duties and powers set forthin this chapter, as a public body corporate and as a political subdivision ofthe Commonwealth. The Authority is constituted as a public instrumentalityexercising public and essential governmental functions, and the exercise bythe Authority of the duties and powers conferred by this chapter shall bedeemed and held to be the performance of an essential governmental functionof the Commonwealth. The exercise of the powers granted by this chapter andits public purpose shall be in all respects for the benefit of theinhabitants of the Commonwealth.

D. The Fort Monroe Authority is the successor in interest to that politicalsubdivision formerly known as the Fort Monroe Federal Area DevelopmentAuthority. As such, the Authority stands in the place and stead of, andassumes all rights and duties formerly of, the Fort Monroe Federal AreaDevelopment Authority, including but not limited to all leases, contracts,grants-in-aid, and all other agreements of whatsoever nature; holds title toall realty and personalty formerly held by the Fort Monroe Federal AreaDevelopment Authority; and may exercise all powers that might at any timepast have been exercised by the Fort Monroe Federal Area DevelopmentAuthority, including the powers and authorities of a Local RedevelopmentAuthority under the provisions of any and all applicable federal laws,including the Base Relocation and Closure Act of 2005.

E. The Fort Monroe Authority shall be subject to the Virginia PublicProcurement Act (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.) and the Board shall adopt proceduresconsistent with that Act to govern its procurement processes.

F. Employees of the FMFADA shall be eligible for membership in the VirginiaRetirement System and participation in health insurance and other benefitsprograms for employees of local governments established in accordance with §2.2-1204.

(2010, cc. 338, 460.)