15.2-710 - Budget; county manager to be executive and administrative officer; financial condition of county.

§ 15.2-710. Budget; county manager to be executive and administrativeofficer; financial condition of county.

In addition to such other duties as are or may be prescribed by law ordirected by the board, the county manager shall each year on or before April15 prepare and submit to the board a tentative budget for informative andfiscal planning purposes. The budget shall be prepared in accordance with theprovisions of law in effect governing the preparation of the county budgetand shall show in detail the recommendations of the county manager forexpenditures on each road and bridge or for other purposes.

The county manager shall be the executive and administrative officer of thecounty in all matters relating to the public roads and bridges of the county,and other public work and business in the county, except public schools. Heshall have general supervision and charge of construction and maintenance ofthe public roads, bridges and landings of the county, and of public work andbusiness of the county, except public schools, and of the purchase ofsupplies, equipment and materials for the roads, bridges and landings andother public work and business of the county, and the employment of allsuperintendents, foremen and labor therefor. However, the board may, byordinance, prescribe rules and regulations for the purchase of all supplies,equipment and materials for the roads, bridges and landings and other publicwork and business of the county.

The county manager shall keep the board advised as to the county's financialcondition, and shall periodically, and upon board request, provide a reportto the board on the status of expenditures and revenues for the currentfiscal year. On or before October 31 of each year, he shall provide a reportto the board at a regular board meeting on expenses and revenue for thepreceding year, ending June 30.

(Code 1950, § 15-353; 1952, c. 198; 1954, c. 102; 1959, Ex. Sess., c. 69;1962, c. 623, § 15.1-682; 1997, c. 587; 2004, cc. 22, 510.)