15.2-5902 - Members of Authority; chairman; terms.
§ 15.2-5902. Members of Authority; chairman; terms.
A. The Authority shall consist of fifteen members appointed by the Governorand subject to confirmation by the General Assembly. The Governor shallconsider recommendations from each locality in Planning District 23 beforemaking such appointments. The members of the Authority annually shall elect achairman and a vice-chairman from their membership; the vice-chairman shallperform the duties of the chairman in his absence.
B. The term of a member of the Authority is four years. However, upon theinitial appointment of the members of the Authority, the terms of the membersshall be staggered as follows: the initial term of five of the members shallbe four years; the initial term of five members shall be three years; and theinitial term of the remaining five members shall be two years. The Governorshall designate the initial term to be served by each appointee.
At the end of a term, a member shall continue to serve until a successor isappointed and qualifies. A member who is appointed after a term has begunserves only for the rest of the term and until a successor is appointed andqualifies. The members of the Authority shall receive no compensation fortheir services, but a member may be reimbursed by the Authority forreasonable expenses actually incurred in the performance of the duties ofthat office.
(1996, c. 1021, § 15.1-1690; 1997, c. 587.)