15.2-5431.26 - Enforcement of charges.
§ 15.2-5431.26. Enforcement of charges.
Any resolution or trust agreement providing for the issuance of revenue bondsunder the provisions of this chapter may include any of the followingprovisions, and may require the authority to adopt such resolutions or totake such other lawful action as is necessary to effectuate such provisions.The authority may adopt such resolutions and take such other actions asfollows:
1. Require any person who subscribes to pay rates, fees or charges for theuse of or for the services furnished by any system acquired or constructed bythe authority under the provisions of this chapter to make a reasonabledeposit with the authority in advance to insure the payment of such rates,fees or charges and to be subject to application to the payment thereof ifdelinquent.
2. If any rates, fees or charges for the use of and for the servicesfurnished by any system acquired or constructed by the authority under theprovisions of this chapter are not paid within 30 days after due, theauthority may at the expiration of such period disconnect the premises fromthe system, or otherwise suspend services and proceed to recover the amountof any such delinquent rates, fees or charges, with interest, in a civilaction.
(2003, c. 643.)