15.2-5324 - Preparation and operation of hospital projects; facilities relating to health care; additional powers.
§ 15.2-5324. Preparation and operation of hospital projects; facilitiesrelating to health care; additional powers.
An authority shall have power to prepare, carry out and operate hospitalprojects and to establish facilities to provide goods and services relatingto health care.
The powers granted to an authority pursuant to the provisions of this chaptermay be exercised in cities or counties other than the city or county in whichthe authority has been organized. However, an authority shall not commencethe exercise of any of these powers in any city in which another authorityalready has been organized.
(Code 1950, §§ 32-238, 32-238.1; 1977, c. 159, § 15.1-1558; 1979, c. 719, §15.1-1557; 1987, c. 432; 1997, c. 587.)