15.2-5374 - Powers of Authority.
§ 15.2-5374. Powers of Authority.
The Authority shall have all powers necessary or convenient to carry out thegeneral purposes of this chapter, including the power to:
1. Sue and be sued; adopt a seal and alter the same at pleasure; haveperpetual succession; and to make and execute contracts and other instrumentsnecessary or convenient to the exercise of its powers.
2. Employ such technical experts and such other officers, agents, andemployees as it may require, to fix their qualifications, duties, andcompensation, and to remove such employees at pleasure.
3. Acquire within the territorial limits of the participating localitiesembraced by it, by purchase, lease, gift, or otherwise, whatever lands,buildings, and structures as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose ofestablishing, constructing, enlarging, maintaining, and operating one or morehospitals or health centers.
4. Sell, lease, exchange, transfer, or assign any of its real or personalproperty or any portion thereof or interest therein to any person, firm, orcorporation whenever the Authority finds such action to be in furtherance ofthe purposes for which the Authority was created.
5. Acquire, establish, construct, enlarge, improve, maintain, equip, andoperate any hospital or health center and any other facility and service forthe care and treatment of sick persons.
6. Make and enforce rules and regulations for the management and conduct ofits business and affairs and for the use, maintenance and operation of itsfacilities and properties.
7. Accept gifts and grants, including real or personal property, from theCommonwealth or any political subdivision thereof and from the United Statesand any of its agencies; and accept donations of money, personal property, orreal estate and take title thereto from any person.
8. Make rules and regulations governing the admission, care, and treatment ofpatients in such hospital or health center, classify patients as to chargesto be paid by them, if any, and determine the nature and extent of theservice to be rendered patients.
9. Comply with the provisions of the laws of the United States and theCommonwealth and any rules and regulations made thereunder for theexpenditures of federal or state money in connection with hospitals or healthcenters and to accept, receive, and receipt for federal and state moneygranted the Authority or granted any of the participating localities embracedby it for hospital or health center purposes.
10. Borrow money upon its bonds, notes, debentures, or other evidences ofindebtedness issued for the purpose only of acquiring, constructing,improving, furnishing, or equipping buildings or structures for use as ahospital or health center, and to secure the same by pledges of its revenuesand property as hereafter provided. This power shall include the power torefinance all or any portion of such debt, to renegotiate the terms of all orany portion of such debt, and to retire all or any portion of such debt priorto its maturity date.
11. Execute all instruments necessary or convenient in connection with theborrowing of money and issuing bonds as herein authorized.
12. Enter into leases and agreements with persons for the construction oroperation or both of a hospital or health center by such persons on land ofthe Authority.
13. Contract for the management and operation of any hospital or healthcenter subject to the control of the Authority; however, the Authority maycharge such rates for service as will enable it to make reasonablecompensation for such management and operation.
14. Assist in or provide for the creation of domestic or foreign stock andnonstock corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, limitedpartnerships, associations, foundations, or other supporting organizations orother entities and to purchase, receive, subscribe for, or otherwise acquire,own, hold, vote, use, employ, sell, mortgage, lend, pledge, or otherwisedispose of shares of or other interests in or obligations of any domestic orforeign stock and nonstock corporations, limited liability companies,partnerships, limited partnerships, associations, foundations, or othersupporting organizations, joint ventures, or other entities organized for anypurpose, or direct or indirect obligations of the United States, or of anyother government, state, territory, governmental district or municipality orof any other obligations of any domestic or foreign stock or nonstockcorporation, limited liability company, partnership, limited partnership,association, foundation, or other supporting organization, joint venture orother entity organized for any purpose or any individual. The investments ofany entity wholly owned or controlled by the Authority that is an"institution," as such term is defined in § 55-268.12 shall be governed bythe Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (§ 55-268.11 etseq.) of the Code of Virginia.
15. Participate in joint ventures with individuals, domestic or foreign stockand nonstock corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, limitedpartnerships, associations, foundations, or other supporting organizations orother entities for providing medical care or related services or otheractivities that the Authority may undertake to the extent that suchundertakings assist the Authority in carrying out the purposes and intent ofthis chapter.
16. Provide domestic or foreign stock and nonstock corporations, limitedliability companies, partnerships, limited partnerships, associations,foundations or other supporting organizations, joint ventures or otherentities owned in whole or in part or controlled, directly or indirectly, inwhole or in part, by the Authority with appropriate assistance, includingmaking loans and providing time of employees, in carrying out any activitiesauthorized by this chapter.
17. Make loans and provide other assistance to domestic or foreign stock andnonstock corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, limitedpartnerships, associations, foundations or other supporting organizations,joint ventures, or other entities.
18. Transact its business, locate its offices and control, directly orthrough domestic or foreign stock and nonstock corporations, limitedliability companies, partnerships, limited partnerships, associations,foundations or other supporting organizations, joint ventures, or otherentities, facilities that will assist or aid the Authority in carrying outthe purposes and intent of this chapter.
19. Procure such insurance, participate in such insurance plans, or providesuch self-insurance, or any combination thereof, as it deems necessary orconvenient to carry out the purposes and provisions of this chapter. Thepurchase of insurance, participation in an insurance plan, or creation of aself-insurance plan by the Authority shall not be deemed a waiver orrelinquishment of any sovereign immunity to which the Authority or itsmembers, officers, directors, employees, or agents are otherwise entitled.
20. Exercise all other powers granted to nonstock corporations pursuant to §13.1-826.
(2007, c. 676; 2008, c. 184.)