15.2-5371 - Decisions of Authority.

§ 15.2-5371. Decisions of Authority.

A majority of the Authority shall constitute a quorum for the purposes ofconducting its business and exercising its powers and for all other purposes.Actions of the Authority shall receive the affirmative vote of a majority ofthe quorum to be effective. No vacancy on the Authority shall impair theright of a quorum to exercise all rights and perform all the duties of theAuthority. The Authority shall determine the times and places of its regularmeetings. Special meetings of the Authority shall be held when requested bytwo or more members of the Authority. Any such request for a special meetingshall be in writing, and the request shall specify the time and place of themeeting and the matters to be considered at the meeting. A reasonable effortshall be made to provide each member with notice of any special meeting. Nomatter not specified in the notice shall be considered at such specialmeeting unless all the members of the Authority are present.

(2007, c. 676; 2010, c. 575.)