15.2-4838 - Responsibilities of Authority for long-range transportation planning.

§ 15.2-4838. Responsibilities of Authority for long-range transportationplanning.

A. The Authority shall be responsible for long-range transportation planningfor regional transportation projects in Northern Virginia. In carrying outthis responsibility, the Authority shall, on the basis of a regionalconsensus, whenever possible, set regional transportation policies andpriorities for regional transportation projects. The policies and prioritiesshall be guided by performance-based criteria such as the ability to improvetravel times, reduce delays, connect regional activity centers, improvesafety, improve air quality, and move the most people in the mostcost-effective manner.

B. The Authority shall report annually on (i) the allocation and expenditureof all moneys deposited to the Special Fund Account of the Northern VirginiaTransportation Authority pursuant to subsection D of § 58.1-604.5; (ii) useof these moneys to reduce traffic congestion in the counties and citiesdescribed in subsections A and B of § 58.1-604.5; and (iii) use of thesemoneys to improve air quality in such counties and cities and in theWashington Metropolitan Area.

(2002, c. 846.)