15.2-4528 - Procedures.
§ 15.2-4528. Procedures.
A. To assure that the planning process specified in § 15.2-4527 iseffectively and efficiently utilized, the commission shall conform to thefollowing procedures and may prescribe such additional procedures as it deemsadvisable:
1. Commission meetings shall be held at least monthly and more often in thediscretion of the commission, as the proper performance of its dutiesrequires.
2. At such meetings the commission shall receive and consider reports from:
a. Its members who are also members of an agency, as to the status andprogress of the work of such agency, and if the commission deems that suchreports are of concern to them, shall fully inform its component governments,committees, and the Commonwealth Transportation Board with respect thereto,as a means of developing the informed views requisite for soundpolicy-making; and
b. Its members, technical and other committees, members of the governingbodies of the component governments and consultants, presenting and analyzingstudies and data on matters affecting the making of policies and decisions ona transportation plan and the implementation thereof.
3. The objective of the procedures herein specified is to develop agreement,based on the best available information, among the district commission, thegoverning bodies of the component governments, the CommonwealthTransportation Board and an interstate agency with respect to the variousfactors which affect the making of policies and decisions relating to atransportation plan and the implementation thereof. If any materialdisagreements occur in the planning process with respect to objectives andgoals, the evaluation of basic data or the selection of criteria andstandards to be applied in the planning process, the commission shall exertits best efforts to bring about agreement and understanding on such matters.The commission, in its discretion, may hold hearings in an effort to resolveany such basic controversies.
4. Before a transportation plan is adopted, altered, revised or amended bythe commission or by an agency on which it is represented, the commissionshall transmit such proposed plan, alteration, revision or amendment to thegoverning bodies of the component governments, to the CommonwealthTransportation Board, and to its technical committees and shall release tothe public information with respect thereto. A copy of the proposedtransportation plan, amendment or revision, shall be kept at the commissionoffice and shall be available for public inspection. Upon thirty days'notice, published once a week for two successive weeks in one or morenewspapers of general circulation within the transportation district, apublic hearing shall be held on the proposed plan, alteration, revision oramendment. The thirty days' notice period shall begin to run on the first daythe notice appears in any such newspaper. The commission shall consider theevidence submitted and statements and comments made at such hearings and, ifobjections in writing to the whole or any part of the plan are made by thegoverning body of any component government, or by the CommonwealthTransportation Board, or if the commission considers any written objectionmade by any other person, group or organization to be sufficientlysignificant, the commission shall reconsider the plan, alteration, revisionor amendment. If, upon reconsideration, the commission agrees with theobjection, then the commission shall make appropriate changes to the proposedplan, alteration, revision or amendment, and may adopt them without furtherhearing. If, upon reconsideration, the commission disagrees with theobjection, the commission may adopt the plan, alteration, revision oramendment. No facilities shall be located in and no service rendered,however, within any county or city which does not execute an appropriateagreement with the commission or with an interstate agency as provided in §15.2-4521; but in such case, the commission shall determine whether theabsence of such an agreement so materially and adversely affects thefeasibility of the transportation plan as to require its modification orabandonment.
(1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1366; 1997, c. 587.)