15.2-4503.1 - Northern Virginia Transportation District and Commission.
§ 15.2-4503.1. Northern Virginia Transportation District and Commission.
There is hereby created the Northern Virginia Transportation Districtcomprised of the Counties of Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and the Cities ofAlexandria, Falls Church, and Fairfax and such other county or citycontiguous to the District that agrees to join the District.
There is hereby established the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission(the Commission) as a transportation commission pursuant to this chapter. TheCommission shall consist of five nonlegislative citizen members from FairfaxCounty, three nonlegislative citizen members from Arlington County; onenonlegislative citizen member from the County of Loudoun, two nonlegislativecitizen members from the City of Alexandria, one nonlegislative member fromthe City of Falls Church, one nonlegislative citizen member from the City ofFairfax, and the Chairman of the Commonwealth Transportation Board or hisdesignee to serve ex officio with voting privileges. If a county or citycontiguous to the District agrees to join the District, such jurisdictionshall appoint one nonlegislative citizen member to the Commission. Membersfrom the respective counties and cities shall be appointed from theirgoverning bodies. The Commission shall also include four members of the Houseof Delegates appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates for termscoincident with their terms of office and two members of the Senate appointedby the Senate Committee on Rules for terms coincident with their terms ofoffice. Members may be reappointed for successive terms. All members shall becitizens of the Commonwealth. Except for the Chairman of the CommonwealthTransportation Board or his designee, all members of the Commission shall beresidents of the localities comprising the Transportation District. Vacanciesoccurring other than by expiration of a term shall be filled for theunexpired term. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the originalappointments.
(2004, c. 1000.)