15.2-4119 - Effect on jurisdiction of courts.
§ 15.2-4119. Effect on jurisdiction of courts.
Upon the effective date of the transition from city to town status, allcriminal prosecutions then pending therein, whether by indictment, warrant orother complaint, and all suits, actions, motions, warrants, and otherproceedings of a civil nature, with all the records of the courts of thecity, shall stand ipso facto removed to the courts of concurrent or likejurisdiction of the appropriate county. The circuit and other courts havingcourthouses and records in and jurisdiction over the city shall, at someconvenient time, as closely preceding the period of removal as practicable,by formal orders entered of record, direct the removal of all such causes andproceedings, civil and criminal, to the court or courts of concurrent or likejurisdiction of the county. The clerk of the court or courts to which thecauses and proceedings have been removed shall thereupon proceed as in othercases of removal or changes of venue and such matters shall be docketed andhandled as though initially filed in such court or courts. At the same timesuch clerk or clerks shall also deliver to the proper clerk or clerks of thecounty all the deed books, order or minute books, execution dockets, judgmentdockets and other records of his office, of whatever kind or nature. Theclerk or clerks of the court or courts to which the records are removed shalltake charge of and preserve the records for reference and use in the samemanner and with the same effect as though they were original records of hisoffice.
(1988, c. 881, § 15.1-965.26; 1997, c. 587; 2005, c. 681.)