15.2-3820 - Election and terms of other city officers.

§ 15.2-3820. Election and terms of other city officers.

At the next general election of state officers after (i) the town is declaredto be a city and (ii) the regular term of office of the existing municipalofficers expires, to be held on Tuesday after the first Monday in November,when similar officers are elected for other cities, a treasurer, a sheriff,an attorney for the Commonwealth, a clerk of the circuit court, and otherofficers elected by the qualified voters whose election is not otherwiseprovided for by law shall be elected. The terms of office of such officersshall begin on January 1 following their election and continue in accordancewith § 24.2-217 as applicable to such elections and until their respectivesuccessors have been elected and qualify. The commissioner of revenue shallbe elected or appointed as the general law directs.

(Code 1950, § 15-91; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-991; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 68; 1973,c. 545; 1979, c. 85; 1997, c. 587.)