15.2-3600 - Petition for incorporation of community; appointment of special court.
§ 15.2-3600. Petition for incorporation of community; appointment of specialcourt.
A petition signed by 100 voters of any community may be presented to thecircuit court for the county in which such community, or the greater partthereof, is situated, requesting that the community be incorporated as atown. A plat showing the boundaries of the community shall be attached to thepetition. The circuit court with which the petition is filed shall notify theSupreme Court, which shall appoint a special court to hear the case asprescribed by Chapter 30 (§ 15.2-3000 et seq.) of this title. The plat shallbe prepared by a registered surveyor in a form suitable for recording in theclerk's office of the circuit court. A copy of the petition shall be servedupon the county attorney or, if there is no county attorney, the attorney forthe Commonwealth, and each member of the governing body of the county orcounties wherein the area sought to be incorporated lies. The governing bodyat its option may become a party to the proceeding. The petition shall beaccompanied by proof that:
1. The petition has been available for public inspection in the office of theclerk of the circuit court; and
2. The following have been published once a week for four successive weeks ina newspaper having general circulation in the county:
a. Notice of the time and place the petition would be presented; and
b. The text of the petition in full; or
c. A descriptive summary of the petition and notice that the petition may beinspected at the circuit court clerk's office.
(Code 1950, § 15-66; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-966; 1964, c. 467; 1975, c. 629;1976, c. 586; 1979, c. 85; 1980, c. 45; 1997, c. 587.)