15.2-3529 - Consolidation agreement generally; advisory committee; filing agreement and referendum petition with court.
§ 15.2-3529. Consolidation agreement generally; advisory committee; filingagreement and referendum petition with court.
The board of supervisors or council of the locality desiring to consolidateinto a county or city, or any county and all incorporated towns locatedentirely therein desiring to consolidate into a county or city may enter intoa joint agreement for such consolidation, setting forth in such consolidationagreement the following:
1. The names of the localities proposing to consolidate;
2. The name of the county or counties or city into which the localitiespropose to consolidate; or that the localities agree to conduct a subsequentreferendum to be voted on by the people of the consolidated county or cityprior to the effective date of the consolidation to select the name for theconsolidated county or city. The name chosen shall not be one that has beenrestricted or prohibited by law;
3. The property, real or personal, belonging to each locality, and the fairvalue thereof in current money of the United States;
4. The indebtedness, bonded and otherwise, of each locality;
5. The day upon which the consolidation agreement shall become effective,provided that, if an agreement proposes the creation of a consolidated city,the effective date shall be stated in the charter enacted by the GeneralAssembly; and
6. Any other provisions which may be properly embodied in the agreement.
Each governing body may appoint an advisory committee composed of threepersons to assist it in the preparation of an agreement, and may pay themembers of the advisory committee reasonable compensation, which shall beapproved by the circuit court for the locality.
The original of the consolidation agreement, together with a petition onbehalf of the several governing bodies, signed by the chairman and the mayorand the clerk of each of the bodies, asking that a referendum on the questionof consolidation of the localities, shall be filed with a judge of a circuitcourt having jurisdiction over any of the localities proposing toconsolidate; however, when the consolidation agreement proposes the creationof a consolidated city that includes at least one county, the petition shallask for proceedings pursuant to §§ 15.2-3521 through 15.2-3528 prior to suchreferendum. A copy of the agreement shall be filed with the judge of eachcircuit court having jurisdiction in the localities that are parties to theagreement.
(Code 1950, § 15-221; 1956, c. 554; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1131; 1968, c. 694;1975, c. 517; 1979, c. 85; 1997, c. 587.)