15.2-3203 - Petition by voters of adjacent territory, or governing body of adjacent county or town, for annexation; voluntary agreement by governing body to reject annexation.
§ 15.2-3203. Petition by voters of adjacent territory, or governing body ofadjacent county or town, for annexation; voluntary agreement by governingbody to reject annexation.
A. Whenever fifty-one percent of the voters of any territory adjacent to anycity or town or fifty-one percent of the owners of real estate in number andland area in a designated area, or the governing body of the county in whichsuch territory is located, or of the town desiring to annex such territorypetition the circuit court for the county, stating that it is desirable thatsuch territory be annexed to the city or town and setting forth the metes andbounds thereof, a copy of such petition shall be served on the city or towncouncil, and published in the manner prescribed in § 15.2-3204. The caseshall, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, proceed in all respectsas though instituted in the manner prescribed in § 15.2-3202; however, thespecial court shall not increase the area of the territory described in thepetition.
B. Any city or town to which the annexation is proposed may reject suchannexation by ordinance, duly adopted by a majority of the elected members ofthe governing body of the city or town, if such ordinance is adopted eitherprior to the pretrial conference provided for in § 15.2-3207 or within thetime limits set forth in § 15.2-3213.
C. Any county, city or town may enter into a voluntary agreement with anyother county, city or town or combination thereof, whereby such city or townagrees to reject any annexations initiated under subsection A. Such agreementmay be for such period of time as specified by the parties to such agreementwith respect to all or a portion of the county.
(Code 1950, § 15-152.4; 1952, c. 328; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1034; 1979, c. 85;1983, c. 594; 1985, c. 478; 1997, c. 587.)