15.2-3201 - Temporary restrictions on granting of city charters, filing annexation notices, institutions of annexation proceedings and county immunity proceedings.
§ 15.2-3201. Temporary restrictions on granting of city charters, filingannexation notices, institutions of annexation proceedings and countyimmunity proceedings.
Beginning January 1, 1987, and terminating on the first to occur of (i) July1, 2018, or (ii) the July 1 next following the expiration of any biennium,other than the 1998-2000, 2000-2002, 2002-2004, 2006-2008, and 2008-2010bienniums, during which the General Assembly appropriated for distribution tolocalities for aid in their law-enforcement expenditures pursuant to Article8 (§ 9.1-165 et seq.) of Chapter 1 of Title 9.1 an amount that is less thanthe total amount required to be appropriated for such purpose pursuant tosubsection A of § 9.1-169, no city shall file against any county anannexation notice with the Commission on Local Government pursuant to §15.2-2907, and no city shall institute an annexation court action against anycounty under any provision of this chapter except a city that filed anannexation notice before the Commission on Local Government prior to January1, 1987. During the same period, with the exception of a charter for aproposed consolidated city, no city charter shall be granted or come intoforce and no suit or notice shall be filed to secure a city charter. However,the foregoing shall not prohibit the institution of nor require the stay ofan annexation proceeding or the filing of an annexation notice for thepurpose of implementing an annexation agreement, the extent, terms andconditions of which have been agreed upon by a county and city; nor shall theforegoing prohibit the institution of or require the stay of an annexationproceeding by a city which, prior to January 1, 1987, commenced a proceedingbefore the Commission on Local Government to review a proposed voluntarysettlement pursuant to § 15.2-3400; nor shall the foregoing prohibit theinstitution of or require the stay of any annexation proceeding commencedpursuant to § 15.2-2907 or § 15.2-3203, except that no such proceeding may becommenced by a city against any county, nor shall any city be a petitioner inany annexation proceeding instituted pursuant to § 15.2-3203.
Beginning January 1, 1988, and terminating on the first to occur of (i) July1, 2018, or (ii) the July 1 next following the expiration of any biennium,other than the 1998-2000, 2000-2002, 2002-2004, 2006-2008, and 2008-2010bienniums, during which the General Assembly appropriated for distribution tolocalities for aid in their law-enforcement expenditures pursuant to Article8 (§ 9.1-165 et seq.) of Chapter 1 of Title 9.1 an amount that is less thanthe total amount required to be appropriated for such purpose pursuant tosubsection A of § 9.1-169, no county shall file a notice or petition pursuantto the provisions of Chapter 29 (§ 15.2-2900 et seq.) or Chapter 33 (§15.2-3300 et seq.) requesting total or partial immunity from city-initiatedannexation and from the incorporation of new cities within its boundaries.However, the foregoing shall not prohibit the institution of nor require thestay of an immunity proceeding or the filing of an immunity notice for thepurpose of implementing an immunity agreement, the extent, terms andconditions of which have been agreed upon by a county and city.
(1987, c. 216, § 15.1-1032.2; 1988, c. 270; 1989, c. 134; 1990, c. 759; 1991,c. 359; 1993, c. 611; 1994, c. 557; 1996, cc. 225, 572; 1997, c. 587; 1999,cc. 692, 705, 744; 2001, c. 733; 2002, c. 786; 2004, c. 879; 2008, c. 347;2009, cc. 129, 435, 631.)