Chapter 29 - Commission on Local Government (15.2-2900 thru 15.2-2908)
- 15.2-2900 - Purpose and intent.
- 15.2-2901 - Membership; appointment, terms and qualifications of members; vacancies; Executive Director.
- 15.2-2902 - Continuing temporary membership for purposes of Commission reports.
- 15.2-2903 - General powers and duties of Commission.
- 15.2-2904 - Meetings; quorum; majority vote; panel to conduct investigation and make report; compensation and expenses.
- 15.2-2905 - Officers.
- 15.2-2906 - Disqualification of Commissioners.
- 15.2-2907 - Actions for annexation, immunity, establishment of city, etc.; investigations and reports by Commission; negotiation.
- 15.2-2908 - Notice to Commission deemed to institute action or proceeding.